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Virtual Uniquities Header Logo [45k]

About Virtual Uniquities
    When I'm not building Web pages or neck-deep in Photoshop, I make jewelry and wearable art, which I call Uniquities™. The "Web-able art" on this area of Hairfish's 'Net is a natural synthesis of that handicraft and Web design. Right-brain and left-brain meet in the middle and have a good ol' time.
    Let me know what you think of the new Virtual Uniquities Web Page Jewelry by either signing the Virtual Uniquities Guestbook or dropping me an email. Signing the Guestbook will enable me to send you notices of major updates to the site once or twice a year.
    As always, if you use anything from this or any other area of Hairfish's 'Net, a link-back is all I ask in return. You'll find my NEW button at the bottom of this page. Enjoy!


These links open a new browser window; close the window to return to this page.
MINIMIZE the Tripod pop-up instead of closing it, and it won't follow you around all the time!

Jewelry For...

[Jewelry for White Backgrounds]
[Jewelry for Light-colored Backgrounds]
[Jewelry for Medium-colored Backgrounds]
Suitable for ALL backgrounds
[Jewelry for Dark-colored Backgrounds]
[Jewelry for Black Backgrounds]

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BACK TO...The Le Menyoo, Free Graphics Index

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All images © 1999 J. M. Hopper,  Hairfish™ Graphics.

These images are free for use on personal Web sites, provided a button (above) linking back to Hairfish Graphics is included in an appropriate place on the site. While I prefer the link appear on the same page as the graphic, if you have a separate "Links" or "Credits" page, that's fine.
Please contact Hairfish for information regarding use on business sites, or to report problems with this site.

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Counter initiated on 02/20/98