Whatsamatter, boobie...not getting any awards for your labor of love, your Web site? Need a little something to brighten up a dull corner on the ol' Home Page?
Or...are you simply a wise-ass in search of something cynical to add to your site? Or to someone else's award-saturated ego-stroker? Come on, don't try to tell me you're not sick of those sites that have rows and rows of awards on every single blasted page!
Either way, you've come to the right place.
OWARDS are completely fake. They mean nothing. They link to nothing. That's why they're so perfect...so...Zen.
And, best of all, they're free. So snatch up a few and place them in strategic locations around your site. People will be impressed. Really.
In return for having labored for hours and hours and hours (OK, a few minutes each) over these little wonders, all I ask is that you also take a Hairfish Graphics button, place it, too, somewhere on your site, and LINK it (yes, this one needs to link to something!) to:
If you don't, I'll soon have another award for you...just for you...heh heh...heh heh heh heh...